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CfP: Feminism + Knowledge + Politics Special Issue

The Call for Papers for our Special Issue – Feminism + Knowledge + Politics – IFJP 22(1) is now up. Please consider submitting and spread the word!

Special Issue - Feminism + Knowledge + Poltics - IFJP 22(I)

Feminist scholarship has always entailed taking responsibility for and taking a stand on the relationship between politics and knowledge. At the 7th Annual International Feminist Journal of Politics conference we invited scholars from around the world to embark on a contemporary investigation into the question of the role of feminism within the politics of knowledge. At the conference we brought together scholars and practitioners for an interdisciplinary and global exploration - now we invite the entire IFJP community, including conference participants, to participate in a special issue on the topic:

  • What is the impact of feminist politics on knowledge?

  • What is the impact of politics on feminist knowledge?

  • What is the relationship between feminist methodology and knowledge?

  • What use is feminist knowledge in a “post-truth” world?

  • Can feminist knowledge be anything but “race” blind?

  • How might we understand the relationship between queer theory and feminist theory?

  • Which methodological, conceptual, and/or theoretical approaches are most fruitful in deepening intersectional analysis that includes, but is not limited to, feminist queer, and anti-racist perspectives in all of their many manifestations?

  • How far has intersectionality been advanced?

  • Can feminist scholars and practitioners share knowledge to advance feminist politics?

We welcome submissions that continue conversations familiar to feminist scholars related to political economy, desire, security, violence, migration, and rights, for example. We also are looking for work that takes up topics important to politics, but on which feminist knowledge has not sufficiently been brought to bear, such as indigenous knowledge, gendercides and feminicido, climate change and climate justice, refugees, asylum-seeking reproductive justice, visibility of women and queer people and their political actions on the internet, artistic and cultural expression, and other topics that may or may not fit well in the terrain that we have come to understand as feminist IR but to which feminist IR can contribute and from which feminist IR can learn.

We welcome papers using familiar methodologies as well as innovative and alternative methodologies. Feminist international relations covers global to local and local to global social, economic, political and epistemological terrain. We encourage authors to treat every topic in a way that provides a substantive and theoretical contribution to feminist international relations. We encourage authors to make connections to and build on and extend existing feminist work. We encourage authors to take a stand on the front line of making other feminists’ scholarship and activism visible.

Submissions should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words. Those with methodological approaches that require up to 12,000 words are encouraged to reach out to the editors with an abstract and a brief argument for why the approach requires the longer exposition well in advance of the deadline.

The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2018 - through the IFJP submission portal

Submissions from both the conference and theme-related submissions that were not presented at the conference are welcome. Accepted articles will be included in the Special Issue – Feminism + Knowledge + Politics – IFJP 22(1).